SNF Paideia Course Proposal
Opens Aug 31 2023 12:00 AM (EDT)

SNF Paideia designated courses examine the theory and practice of dialogue across differences from diverse disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives. They also explore the interplay among dialogue, citizenship, service, as well as individual and community wellness. Collectively, they are intended to provide students with the scholarly and applied knowledge, skills, ethical orientations, and experiences necessary for integrating their personal, professional, and civic identities – that is, for “educating the whole person.”

Courses are rostered by academic departments. SNF Paideia is not a rostering academic department. Applicants need prior contingent approval from an academic department before they apply for SNF Paideia funding and designation. We recommend reaching out to your academic department as soon as possible before applying for SNF Paideia funding and designation. Course proposals will usually be submitted at least eight months before the course will be offered to allow sufficient time to gather all necessary approvals from the SNF Paideia Program and the appropriate departments and Schools. We request your application to teach in Spring 2025 by May 24th, 2024. Thank you for your interest in teaching a SNF Paideia course! We will follow-up with you once we've had a chance to review your proposal.

*Please note: this application is not mobile-friendly and should only be accessed using a computer web browser.*

SNF Paideia Course Proposal

SNF Paideia designated courses examine the theory and practice of dialogue across differences from diverse disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives. They also explore the interplay among dialogue, citizenship, service, as well as individual and community wellness. Collectively, they are intended to provide students with the scholarly and applied knowledge, skills, ethical orientations, and experiences necessary for integrating their personal, professional, and civic identities – that is, for “educating the whole person.”

Courses are rostered by academic departments. SNF Paideia is not a rostering academic department. Applicants need prior contingent approval from an academic department before they apply for SNF Paideia funding and designation. We recommend reaching out to your academic department as soon as possible before applying for SNF Paideia funding and designation. Course proposals will usually be submitted at least eight months before the course will be offered to allow sufficient time to gather all necessary approvals from the SNF Paideia Program and the appropriate departments and Schools. We request your application to teach in Spring 2025 by May 24th, 2024. Thank you for your interest in teaching a SNF Paideia course! We will follow-up with you once we've had a chance to review your proposal.

*Please note: this application is not mobile-friendly and should only be accessed using a computer web browser.*

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Aug 31 2023 12:00 AM (EDT)